The Great Blog of China

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Second Day of School

So here it is the second day of school and McKenna picked another uniform to wear. Today was Supposed to be the first bus ride. Well any one who knows me knows how I HATE to be late. So as you can see McKenna was not to thrilled to get up just a bit earlier. So what guessed it the BUS does not come for her and so there I was racing down the freeway to get her to school JUST in the nick of time.

Into the office I went, after a few phone calls, it was determined that Yes we had the right place and the right numbers and that because she was not there yesterday they assumed she was not coming. So I left her a note with all the appropriate numbers and left the numbers with the office and teacher AGAIN.

I will let you know tomorrow if I go down to the school just to make sure she gets on the bus and follow it home. LOL.

That firefly cell phone that daddy has been talking about for her birthday just may be purchased tonight. So who do you think does not deal well with separation and has the anxiety me or McKenna.

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