The Great Blog of China

Saturday, February 05, 2005

IT IS FRIDAY< YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well another week down. This week we worked on getting togther our quilt squares for the "100 Wishes Quilt. " In CHina it is a tradition that when you have a baby that friends and family send a scrap of fabric along with a good wish to go along with the quilt. I have had fun participtating and now just need to decide which pattern to use to sew the quilt. I am going to get a book to put all the wishes in.

CCAA closes down for the CHinese New Year, so we probably won't know our actual LID until March. We will either be traveling with January or February groups are LID (estimated) puts us right on the border for when referrals come.

I finsihed the class for work. Hopefully I passesd. I know there were things that I did not get right but I am trying to do really good at work.

McKenna goes on track break. YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most moms hate track break but I love it and the time we get to spend together. TOmrorrow she has her basketball game that she is very excited for.

I signed up for four extra night shifts on the next pay period. Hopefully they go well. That is where the extra hours are. At the end of the next pay period we will have the finances for all teh legal part of CHina. Then on to saving for TRAVEL.

Talk to you next week unless we hear anything sooner about CHina.



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