The Great Blog of China

Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year

Yes, we received the paperwork we need to complete the dossier. Off to the embassy it goes on Monday and then we will mail it to the agency and unless they find something we will be on the official list and registered in China.

So it was a great suprise and a great way to end the new year.

Friday, December 24, 2004

SHort Update

Well we are still waiting on the last two pieces of paperwork from the sec of state and then to the consulate and then off to the agency and to be registered in CHINA/ Hopefully we are looking at an end of the month dtc date.

We are excited for Christmas and we will be a family of four next year at this time.

This last month of waiting with the glitches has been the hardest but we will make it.

Hopefully our little one is staying healthy and safe.