The Great Blog of China

Monday, February 28, 2005

We picked the diaper bag

Well we did not win the bid for the gold diaper bag. We did win the bid for a suprise blue one for McKenna.

I decided to go with a Lands End red bag. So it is ordered and on its way.

As March starts this month we are working on getting the medical kit and orphange donations ready. There is a website that will send it for you. It is more expensive than doing it myself but just for the ease we may do that instead.

Hope all is well with everyone.

McKennas first tee ball is on March 12 so will will have some exciting news.

I also found the dress I want to get McKenna when her brotheror sister which ever is sealed. And she can use it for her baptism day. Hopefully we can get it ordered in the next few weeks.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

One Month Down

Well it is the end of February. Nothing new to report. Just working hard. I bet when we look back after referral and travel that this time won't seem as long. We are just enjoying McKenna and giving her lots of one on one time. She has been a great helper picking things out for the travel portion for the baby.

This month we will be working on putting together a small travel medical kit.

McKenna starts tee ball next week. She is excited. A few of the kids in school are on her team. SHe is planning on doing swimming next.

We have a name if the referral is a boy. Still not a definate one if it is a girl. We just keep a list and one of these days something will pop out at us.

Talk to you next week.

Referrals for families should be coming in the next two weeks. These are families from last August and September who submitted there paper work then.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

One More Week Down

Well another week has come and gone. We are are feeling better. Working hard for the rest of the travel money. We did get good news that the travel portion will be not as much as we thought.

We received our CHina for Adoptive Families in the mail, so we can start learning a few simple phrases to help calm the baby when we meet and have her the first few days.

McKenna finished her basketball season and did great. She will be starting soon tee-ball.

Talk to you all next week.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Well we have our official Log In Date it is 1/25/2005. THis is the date when we count down to referral time. We also received a travel guide from Great Wall which will help us(me) to get ready for when we go to CHina. It has packign lists etc which we can bring. IT is not official travel stuff that comes after referral. So if the countdown stays the same we should receive our referral in July or August. Our LID came in four weeks. It was faster than Great Wall had predicited as they had said it usually takes nine weeks. YIPPEE

On the homefront, WE HAVE ALL BEEN SICK. I am ready to feel better. Today it is raining but I love the rain so all in all it was a good day.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

IT IS FRIDAY< YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well another week down. This week we worked on getting togther our quilt squares for the "100 Wishes Quilt. " In CHina it is a tradition that when you have a baby that friends and family send a scrap of fabric along with a good wish to go along with the quilt. I have had fun participtating and now just need to decide which pattern to use to sew the quilt. I am going to get a book to put all the wishes in.

CCAA closes down for the CHinese New Year, so we probably won't know our actual LID until March. We will either be traveling with January or February groups are LID (estimated) puts us right on the border for when referrals come.

I finsihed the class for work. Hopefully I passesd. I know there were things that I did not get right but I am trying to do really good at work.

McKenna goes on track break. YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most moms hate track break but I love it and the time we get to spend together. TOmrorrow she has her basketball game that she is very excited for.

I signed up for four extra night shifts on the next pay period. Hopefully they go well. That is where the extra hours are. At the end of the next pay period we will have the finances for all teh legal part of CHina. Then on to saving for TRAVEL.

Talk to you next week unless we hear anything sooner about CHina.
